Message from School
March 15, 2024Survey – Please kindly respond
March 15, 2024Dear Parents
Last week I sent an email asking about interest for a June opening of school.
Only a small handful out of 34 children would be returning in June if the school was open.
There was a view from the majority that it was too soon, that children of this age with fingers and noses in mouths, licking and mouthing of objects, and the lack of understanding about not being with certain friends made a return for their child difficult to envisage.
From a financial perspective we would not be able to open the school for such a small number of children. We are grateful to the small handful of parents who donated their fees last half term, yet we find ourselves in a position in which opening up for such a small number would be financially devastating for the school.
Therefore we have had to take the decision to keep the school closed until we resume in September. We are hopeful that by this point things will have settled more, with clearer information from the Government regarding children and transmission of the virus – which should hopefully allay parent concerns.
I understand that this may be disappointing for some, especially as assurances are being made daily regarding safety of children attending.
I would request that this post does not generate responses for or against school openings or closures as it is a topic that people feel very strongly about. We all don’t have to agree with each other, and that is fine.
I trust that this brings to an end the uncertainty and we can prepare ourselves for a September start.
Thank you for your continued support.
School Leavers and Transitions – I don’t expect the usual transition visits will take place from schools. We will complete the transition information for schools which we will be forwarding to them.
Learning Journeys – These can be collected by you from school in July. I will confirm the date with you shortly.
Coats/Wellies – These can be picked up before the end of term also. I will confirm individual timings to come to school to collect.
Literacy and Maths Enrichment/Summer School Online classes – We will be providing these online as school will not be open in July or August. We will prepare some resources bags and also signpost to relevant resources. Classes will be provided through a secure platform eg Google Classrooms.
This will be a paid for class. I will confirm details such as cost, lesson duration and format with you in a couple of weeks time.